How does the BELOVED Retreat help in healing the feminine and masculine energies?
The BELOVED Retreat is a unique and transformative experience that goes beyond traditional healing практики to focus on balancing and harmonizing the feminine and masculine energies within each individual. In today’s fast-paced and often disconnected world, many people struggle with finding a sense of wholeness and alignment within themselves. This retreat offers a safe and sacred space for participants to explore and connect with these energies, allowing for deep healing and transformation to take place on a profound level.
The retreat recognizes the importance of both the feminine and masculine energies within each person, and how an imbalance between the two can lead to feelings of disconnection and confusion. By delving into the qualities associated with each энергия – nurturing, intuition, creativity, strength, logic, action – participants are able to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how these energies manifest in their lives.
Through a combination of workshops, rituals, and healing practices, the BELOVED Retreat guides individuals on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The focus is on healing past traumas and wounds that may be blocking the flow of feminine and masculine energies, allowing for a greater sense of wholeness and integration. By releasing old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them, participants are able to connect more fully with their true selves and experience a profound sense of healing and transformation.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

The retreat also provides opportunities for participants to embody the qualities of both the feminine and masculine energies through movement practices, creative expression, and group activities. By tapping into their innate strengths and vulnerabilities, individuals are able to cultivate a greater sense of authenticity and empowerment, leading to healthier relationships and a deeper connection to their true purpose and desires.
Ultimately, the BELOVED Retreat offers a powerful and transformative experience for those seeking to heal and integrate their feminine and masculine energies. By creating a supportive and nurturing environment for self-exploration and growth, the retreat allows participants to tap into their true essence and experience a profound sense of healing and transformation that extends far beyond the duration of the retreat itself.