Wild Woman Archetype
The wild woman archetype has long been a powerful and inspiring figure for women throughout history. She represents a sense of freedom, independence, and untamed spirit that many women aspire to embody. In a world that often seeks to confine and control women, the wild woman archetype serves as a reminder of the innate strength and resilience that lies within each of us.
The wild woman is not bound by societal expectations or norms. She is unapologetically herself, embracing her flaws and imperfections with grace and confidence. She is fiercely independent, carving her own path in life and refusing to be held back by the limitations that others may try to impose upon her.
In many myths and legends, the wild woman is often portrayed as a force of nature, embodying the power and beauty of the natural world. She is connected to the earth and all its creatures, drawing strength and wisdom from the land around her. She is in tune with her instincts and intuition, trusting in her own inner guidance to lead her on her journey.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

The wild woman is not afraid to speak her truth or stand up for what she believes in. She is a warrior for justice and equality, fighting against oppression and injustice wherever she may find it. She is a voice for the voiceless, using her own power and privilege to uplift those who have been marginalized or silenced.
But the wild woman is not just a fierce warrior – she is also a nurturer and healer. She understands the importance of balance and harmony in all things, and seeks to bring peace and healing to those around her. She is a protector of the vulnerable, using her strength and courage to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
In a world that often seeks to tame and control women, the wild woman archetype serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within each of us. She is a beacon of hope and inspiration for women everywhere, showing us that we have the power to break free from the constraints that society may try to place upon us and embrace our true selves.
So let us embrace the wild woman within us – let us unleash our untamed spirit and embrace our true power and potential. Let us stand up for what we believe in, speak our truth, and fight for justice and equality. Let us be fierce and fearless, nurturing and compassionate, and let us embody the wild woman archetype in all its beauty and strength.