Wouldn’t you rather view the world through rose-tinted glasses, constantly reminded of the good that exists? Choosing to see the best in others is, in essence, choosing to see the best in yourself.
Some may call it naive, pointing to the darkness in the world and insisting that evil exists. But I’m not convinced. I don’t believe in purely evil people. I believe we are all shaped by our experiences, our conditioning, and the environments we’ve been immersed in.
Often, we let the voices of others drown out our own truth, leading us away from what aligns with our soul. Yet, at our core, every soul is pure love and light. No matter how dim that flame might seem, it still exists within everyone. No matter how many rights and wrongs they’ve been through or how much trauma has shaped them, that light remains.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.

Forgiving and understanding someone when your ego is shouting that they don’t deserve it can feel nearly impossible. But to access true forgiveness, we must connect with our own light. We need to tap into that inner flame of love and recognize that this same light resides in everyone.
Compassion arises when we understand that some people view the world through a lens of fear. And fear’s only antidote is love. They are not inherently hateful or evil—they are simply lost, scared, and disconnected from their true selves. Their vision of hate is merely a reflection of the distance between where they are and where their soul truly vibrates—in the frequency of love.
They aren’t bad; they’re just afraid. So, in those moments, choose to send them love.