My words for 2020—embodiment, connection, love—became the guiding energies I chose to focus on, not just for the year but for life. Instead of setting traditional resolutions or specific achievements, I aimed to carry these intentions into every single day, focusing on how I want to feel and show up in the world.
This year, I committed to embodying the highest version of myself, embracing my divin feminine l'énergie, and integrating the lessons from the past. It’s about alchemizing every experience and fully inhabiting my body—moving, playing, and simply being present. Embodiment is not just about being; it’s about becoming and living each day as a celebration of self.
Connection means weaving deeper bonds with everything around me—people, nature, animals, and energy. It’s about being present, even in the smallest moments, like sharing a smile, exchanging kind words, or simply making eye contact. Every interaction, no matter how brief, is an opportunity to connect and be fully engaged in the now.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.
To embody love is to live it daily—to give, receive, and radiate it in every aspect of life. Love is the thread that ties everything together. It’s the essence of every connection, the driving force behind every action, and the energy I want to bring into every space I enter.
This journey is not about reaching a final destination; it’s about embracing every twist and turn, every light and shadow. As we climb each new level of self, we may face new challenges, but the goal is to make the journey as sweet as possible, filled with presence, connection, and love.