Embodiment—and tapping into your embodied feminine power—is so much more than just feeling fierce and sexy dancing in your underwear!
While that’s part of it, and it is divino, to me, embodiment is a vibration.
It’s a transmission.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality. Click the image below to book your place.
An energía.
A pure, raw expression of what it means to be fully alive.
It’s the divine pouring into your being and expressing itself through your body.
To be embodied is to stand grounded in your personal truth and integrity, with radical self-acceptance.
It’s about no longer seeking outside yourself for validation, but knowing that everything you need—and more—already exists within you. Recognizing the immense embodied feminine power that lies in you.
It’s a remembering of who you truly are, and the courage to express it fully in each moment…
Leaning ever deeper into your truth and love.
It’s being so utterly comfortable in your own skin—in your heart, your body, and every part of your being.
It’s remembering that you are far more than just a physical body, yet that body is a powerful tool to bring the non-physical into the physical world.
To birth creations, to continuously rebirth new aspects of yourself…
To align with the cycles and rhythms of life, recognizing the deep interconnection between all living things.
It’s about tuning into the cycles of your own body and allowing them to guide you, taking you deeper, spiraling through stages of growth and expansion…
Being as at ease in your descents as you are in your ascents…
That’s why I love what I do.
Witnessing that transformation within myself and guiding my clients through the same process—watching them embrace, love, and liberate themselves—is the most delicious gift!