Embracing the Power of Pleasure
This morning, as I woke, my body whispered one word to me: 𝐏 𝐥 𝐞 𝐚 𝐬 𝐮 𝐫 𝐞. So clearly. She craved intimate touch, the sensation of full-body goosebumps, and the sweetness of chocolate enjoyed in a candlelit bath. She yearned for the feeling of barefoot, sensual...
Celebrating Diwali: The Festival of Lights ✨💫
Today, we honor Diwali, the vibrant Hindu Festival of Lights that symbolizes hope and the uplifting power of light over darkness. This joyous occasion reminds us of the enduring triumph of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. 💛 On this special day, embrace the...
A Journey of Self-Compassion and Presence
Engaging with the shadow side of shadow work requires a readiness to face the depths within. Yet, rushing this process can overwhelm the nervous system, leading to re-traumatization and cycles of past patterns that no longer serve us. The key is to approach ourselves...
Embracing the Fullness of Our True Selves
This year, I finally unleashed my wild—the raw, untamed fire that resides deep within me. It’s the primal, unfiltered part of me that connects to nature itself, burning fiercely with a passion that yearns for more: more life, more experiences, more of everything that...
Embracing Self-Love Through a Judgement Detox
One of my favorite photos from my adventure in Ibiza with @brypenney is still one I’ve never shared. Why? Because of fear—fear of judgment, fear of what people might say, fear of whether it would be seen as appropriate. But despite all that, I love this shot. At the...
The Healing Power of Journaling
One of the habits I’m most grateful for is journaling. It’s become a way for me to pour out my thoughts and feelings, especially when I’m struggling to understand what’s going on inside. Journaling has been a lifeline in moments of heartbreak, helping me to untangle...
Embracing the Full Moon’s Energy
Today’s full moon brings a powerful opportunity for reflection, release, and renewal. It’s a moment to pause, reassess, and let go of what no longer serves you—whether that’s toxic attachments, limiting beliefs, or outdated habits. Letting go is often one of the...
Stop Silencing Your Heart and Step Into Your True Self
When you let your head override your heart time and time again, you start to shut yourself off from your dreams. One day, you look around and realize that the life you’re living doesn’t align with the one you once imagined for yourself. The thought of becoming the...
Beyond the Masks We Wear
Who are you when the world isn't watching? Beyond the versions of yourself that you present to others, who are you when you’re alone, without the masks? We often adopt different personas depending on the company we keep—a different self reflected in the eyes of each...
From Overthinking to Embodied Presence
It’s all too easy to get trapped in your mind, overthinking and endlessly analyzing every potential outcome. Our minds can become tangled in a web of thoughts, generating stress and worry that often only make things worse. But overthinking doesn’t serve us—it merely...